Shreya Designs

5 Irresistible Color Choices That Will Brighten Up Your Space


When revamping our space, one of the most difficult decisions is choosing the color palette. Even when we have a favorite color in mind, we are not exactly sure how the final outcome will turn out to be. For example, it is possible that the color on your walls may not go well with your furniture and home furnishings. Sometimes, the difficulty can also be related to choosing the right shade or the conflicting color preferences of family members.

The importance of choosing the right color palette for your home cannot be undermined, as colors affect the emotional and physical wellbeing of the inhabitants. Once you have revamped your space, you are likely to stick with it for at least 4-5 years. It’s unimaginable to think to be living with the wrong shade for such a long time. Even if you somehow manage, it is likely to affect you in an adverse manner. If you are not sure about the color palette, here are some great color suggestions that work well with every style of living.

White: This is one of the most widely used color palettes in homes. When you have white in the background, you can choose any color for your furniture and home furnishings. White has positive connotations and it is associated with elegance, purity, delicacy, innocence, and goodness.

Yellow: Shades of yellow can be a good choice, as it is a vibrant color that denotes brilliance and joy. Yellow can stimulate mental activity and make you cheerful.

Green: It represents nature, freshness, eternal life and hope. Green is soothing to the eyes and it is known to have healing properties. Green can cheer you up and alleviate your stress.

Blue: The color of royalty, Blue is associated with intellect, ethereality, serenity, and compassion. Blue is known to have a calming effect on the mind and body.

Purple: This can be a good choice if you want to convey things like luxury, ambition, power, etc. Purple is associated with wisdom and can boost your creativity.

Trying to find the most appropriate color palette based on your personal choices and the specific needs of your living environment can be a daunting task. If you are facing such challenges, just call in the experts. A leading architect and interior design studio, Shreya Designs is the go-to place for all your home renovation needs. You can get a free consultation with Shreya Designs to understand which color palette will be most suitable for your living space.


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