Shreya Designs

Cleanliness freak? Here are 5 tips to thoroughly clean your home!

We dream of having a quintessentially elegant house, but who dreams of having a not-so-clean house? No matter how beautiful your home is, if it’s not cleaned properly, its beauty wouldn’t stand for long. The gospel truth is that home cleaning isn’t solely about keeping your house looking spick and span; there are various other benefits too.

Never has having a clean house been more important than during this pandemic. COVID-19 has us all wiping down common house surfaces and being more observant of cleanliness in general. It’s better to stay cautious than to regret later.

During these tough times people are concerned about the health of their family members, and they understand the value of cleaning and disinfecting their homes. Unfortunately, these increased cleaning standards can bring with them a little stress and it is time-consuming too.

So, here are some hacks and some time-saving techniques to clean your home thoroughly:

  • Cleaning the whole house, not one room at a time- The biggest mistake people make is cleaning room by room. It’s too slow and time-consuming! Cleaning is much more efficient and less tiring if you pick the same task for every room at a time, rather than cleaning the bedrooms, the kitchen and then the bathrooms. Doing it that way will evade you from feeling like you are a cleaning robot, doing the same task over and over again.

  • Declutter the house before starting the actual clean-up- Before you even start cleaning up your house, go to each room and pick up the stuff that is of no use or importance like old magazines, newspapers, and much more. It will make your house more efficient before starting an actual clean-up. It’s up to you if you want to toss the clutter away or donate it.

  • Disinfecting the common high-touch surfaces- Cleaning the surfaces with a household cleaner that contains soap or detergent reduces the risk of transmission of germs and infection. Focus on high-touch surfaces such as doorknobs, tables, handles, light switches, and countertops as they are touched by almost everyone in your house.

  • Sweep, then mop- Many people wonder do you sweep or mop first? Should you sweep first before mopping? Mopping isn’t the first step for cleaning the floors of your house. You should always sweep the floors first to remove stray hair, large pieces of scrap, and dust particles. Don’t set out to clean the entire floor at once- no matter what kind of floor you have, tackle it in sections. Mop a small area, rinse your mop completely, squeeze it out, then do another area. Repeat.

  • Make cleaning a fun activity- You can make cleaning a fun game by involving your siblings, spouse, or your children. You can keep a points chart somewhere and assign every cleaning task in the house with a certain number of points. Whoever completes the task first gets the point and in turn, will receive some prize. Working together will add some excitement and fun to cleaning, and your house will be shining in no time.

A clean space allows the mind to be at ease and be more creative. When you’re surrounded by filthiness or an unorganized mess, your mind focuses more on the chaos and less on letting your creative juices flow. If you’re a productive person, keeping a clean home will help you do what you do best especially during these tough times.

So, grab a mop and start cleaning your home with these simple and time-saving tips!

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